Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Contents Insurance Crucial for Your Rental Property?

landlord contents insurance is a type of insurance coverage that compensates a landlord for property loss or damage. Contents insurance usually covers any fixtures, appliances, furnishings on the rental property that belong to you.
There are two types of contents insurance for landlords. Landlord contents coverage usually insures the landlord’s property in an amount ranging from $10,000 to $50,000.
As a landlord, you may be wondering whether landlord contents insurance is a worthwhile .
Choose Standard Landlord Contents Insurance if You Want Basic Protection
A standard policy typically protects you from damage caused to furnishings, appliances and fixtures during the normal course of a tenancy.
This coverage usually applies to normal wear and tear only.
Go for Accidental Landlord Contents Insurance if You Want More Protection
In contrast to standard insurance, accidental coverage will pay insurance proceeds for damages that may occur due to tenant negligence and other types of accidents or disasters. For instance, this type of coverage might apply if a tenant rips your sofa when moving out of the property or if a fire out break destroys your furnishings and fixtures.
Most insurance policies will provide coverage in the event of theft or vandalism, tenant negligence, fires, floods, storms, and explosions.
Landlord insurance will only cover furnishings that are provided by the landlord. If your tenant wants coverage for his or her own belongings, then they must buy a separate renter’s insurance policy.
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Are Apartment Reviews Helpful?

Apartment reviews are an interesting strategy. However one must consider the source of the reviews. There are the ones that seem to dominate every review I’ve ever seen on the apartment internet sites and presumably, they are current or past apartment tenants themselves. I Movie reviews are going to be subjective to the individuals opinion as well but at least you get an educated third party critique that has their integrity to uphold.
Some tenants can be great & some unruly. There are a couple of types that need to be addressed, (I) is the tenant that is just plain rowdy, they have parties that cause disturbances, are loud and obnoxious and are only concerned about themselves. The constant complainer, the tenant that is always calling the office. Both of these can leave nasty reviews if they dont get their way and of course if they are reprimanded for their unruly actions. Unfortunately, on the apartment review sites, there is no real rebuttal system in place like on EBAY, where the Apartment management can comment on a complaint.
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Best Return on Investment real estate

Real estate! Real estate has been a time-tested vehicle for short and long-term wealth and income and that was LONG before the .com and tech stock busts. Average time is about two years to transition from corporate jobs to fulltime real estate investor.
  • Both spouses contribute in some way to the real estate business.
  • Investor possesses more than one profit-centered technique to make money in real estate.
  • Commits to a continued investment in their real estate education.
  • Feel that you DO NOT have to possess credit or money to make money in real estate.
Bottom-line is that this that now full-time real estate investor makes 2-3 times as much as the corporate executive.
Difference in the middle is called a profit and is our motto in real estate: FIND A GREAT DEAL!!!
If you’re not satisfied with the returns on your investment and you’re in real estate or considering to be aggressive in real estate, then divert those funds into launching your own marketing IPO! Being able to control your own financial destiny if you’re a competent real estate investor will result in what many of us already know….marketing is the best return on your investment!!
more information at wikipedia

Deal-Finding Strategies: The Good and The Bad

Good: The Multiple Listing Service. The MLS is essentially a catalog of all the properties listed for sale by brokers. The trick is to ferret out which properties have motivated sellers without making offers on all of them. I’ve honed this skill through years of translating agent lingo like, “Handyman’s special” (looks bad, smells bad, has at least one major system that doesn’t function).Coincidentally, these are the same properties that most agents prefer not to spend a lot of time with.
Bad: Direct mail to real estate agents. In 1994, I had the brilliant idea that I might be able to find MLS-listed properties even faster if I simply let agents know what I was looking for. So I purchased 1,200 agent names from the Board of Realtors and generated a 3-part mailing send to every agent in town.
The theme of this campaign was this: if you, Ms. Agent, have a property listed that fits my criteria, I’ll make an offer and you get to keep the entire commission. Out rolled my brilliant campaign -all mailed first class, incidentally – and in came the phone calls.
first, I’ll target only the 200 or so agents who list the types of properties I buy.
Good: Ads in the Yellow Pages. For 8 years, I’ve had an ad in the “real estate” section of the Yellow Pages. The sellers tend to be motivated, cooperative, and have unlisted properties.
Bad: Advertised FSBOs. Properties For Sale By Owner, a.k.a. FSBOs, are a favorite for some real estate investors. I, on the other hand, have never purchased a property from an owner who advertised his property for sale rather than calling me.
I’ve found several problems with trying to buy FSBOs. If you are buying expensive homes creatively, these sellers are ripe for the kind of solution you offer.
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The Moral? Stick with What works

Good: Flapping my gums. Luckily, talking – a lot – is something I have little problem with. Laugh if you will, but my willingness to talk about what I do to anyone who will listen – or even pretend to listen – has made me a lot of money. For instance, when my new hairdresser asked me what I did for a living, I responded that I buy and sell houses. His immediate reaction was, “really? How pretty do they have to be?” Long story short: I bought his unwanted junker house for $4,000 and sold it for $7,000 the same day. When my attorney wanted to know what type of assets I wanted to protect, I told him about my house-buying business. Four months later, he referred a client to me who sold me a $35,000 property for $12,000. You get the picture.
Bad: Using only one lead generator at a time. In my experience, it’s best to use at least 3 different ways of finding deals at the same time: preferably two you’ve used before with some success, plus one that you’re testing. Not knowing which of your deal-finding strategies are working, and which aren’t! If you’re going to spend money on flyers or ads or telephone pole signs or whatever, it’s very important that you pay attention to which methods are generating good leads, and which are duds. In looking over my own deals was very surprised to discover how many great deals came from attorney referrals – a strategy that I haven’t pursued aggressively, but will in the future. If you aren’t tracking your lead generators to discover which are working and which you should give up, you’re wasting time and money that could be put to use making you deals.

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